

Château Poitevin

94 points, Gold, Best of Region White, California State Fair, June 2015
91 points, Tasting Panel, Aug-Sept 2015
Silver, Alameda County Wine Competition, June 2015
Silver, San Francisco International Wine Competition
87 points, Silver, Critics Challenge, May 2015


Château Moulin de Canhaut

94 points, Gold, Best of Region White, California State Fair, June 2015
91 points, Tasting Panel, Aug-Sept 2015
Silver, Alameda County Wine Competition, June 2015


Insula Amphora

94 points, Gold, Best of Region White, California State Fair, June 2015
91 points, Tasting Panel, Aug-Sept 2015


Château Poitevin Blanc

94 points, Gold, Best of Region White, California State Fair, June 2015
91 points, Tasting Panel, Aug-Sept 2015

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